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The Evaluation Project of the Charging Strategies for Water Pollution Control Fee

In this project, considering the river pollution and industrial pollution, the charged items of water pollution prevention fee should be reviewed. Ammonia nitrogen and zinc are suggested to be the new items according to the recent amendment of Effluent Standard. On the other hand, the mercury of coal power plant in the effluent is often lower than the detection limit. However, the trace amount of discharged mercury would be accumulated in the water environment. The charge of mercury from coal power plant may be revised by measuring the mercury mass in the coal fuels. We have also evaluated the performance of water pollution prevention fee. The industries and industrial park sewer system have invested on the wastewater treatment facilities to reduce the expense of water pollution prevention fee. Regarding the key performance indices, we have suggested a variety of factors including the levies, expense and contributions, to elucidate the impacts to improve the river water quality. We have visited a variety of public, community and special region sewers to consider the subsequent levies of the water pollution prevention fee. The Water Pollution Act has been amended on June 13 2018. The water pollution prevention fee of households shall be levied by local governments. We have also assisted to draft the subsequent administrative acts.
Charging systems for water pollution control fee, Key performance indicators for water pollution control fund, The third phase of water pollution control fee